Municipal Leaders' Caucus starts today

Summer Municipal Leaders' Caucus starts today at Valleyview. With the regional-based, travelling roadshow approach we are trying, we have been able to pack more into the agenda and have time for an optional tour of host communities. This morning’s meeting had a lively discussion on draft resolutions. The feedback provided will help to shape the resolution policy for AUMA’s 2020 convention. The resolutions process for this year’s convention will be guided by the current policy.

Members are encouraged to review the draft policy and bring comments, questions and suggestions to their nearest Summer Municipal Leaders' Caucus. There is still time to register and attend the caucuses at Claresholm or Ponoka. Those members not be able to attend these sessions may provide feedback to the draft resolutions policy by emailing resolutions [at] (resolutions[at]auma[dot]ca).

This afternoon’s session on Intermunicipal Collaboration Frameworks is shaping up to be quite informative as we share tips and best practices for implementing the Intermunicipal Collaboration Frameworks (ICFs). Many municipalities are seeking models, ideas, and inspiration to assist in developing their ICF. We are still looking for examples of municipalities that implemented an ICF. Please send your examples to advocacy [at] (advocacy[at]auma[dot]ca) with the subject line ICF examples. The examples will be shared via AUMA’s MGA Change Management webpages.