Municipalities now qualify for Visitor Services Innovation Fund

Alberta Culture and Tourism is pleased to announce that the Visitor Services Innovation Fund (VSIF) grant program will be available again this fall.

New this year, Alberta Culture and Tourism has extended eligibility under the VSIF grant program to include municipalities.  Incorporating municipalities as eligible applicants to VSIF will enable them to implement, support and sustain visitor services programs to build capacity and diversification.

The deadline to submit applications is 4:30 pm on January 17, 2019. If you have any stakeholders or contacts that you think might be interested in submitting an application please visit the VSIF website. You may also direct any questions about the program at AVIP [at] (AVIP[at]gov[dot]ab[dot]ca).

About VSIF

The VSIF program provides support to community-based visitor services providers across the province to enable the delivery of innovative visitor services. The purpose of this fund is to encourage and support visitor services providers to expand outside of the traditional realm of information delivery by creating new approaches to better serve a diverse range of visitors in the community.