Municipalities will benefit from changes to the Canada Summer Jobs grant

To support youth employment during the current economic crisis, the Government of Canada has announced new temporary changes to the Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) program that will benefit municipal governments and other employers that are funded by the program. Changes to the program include the following:

  • The program wage subsidy will increase from 50% to 100% of the provincial hourly minimum wage.
  • Part-time positions are now eligible.
  • The job placement period is extended to February 2021.
  • Funded job activities are now expanded to support the delivery of services during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The changes will automatically apply to any employer that is successful in their application. The application period closed in February 2020. However, with the update to the program, Members of Parliament (MPs) can still recommend that local employers who provide an essential service be funded, despite no previous application.

If your municipality did not apply by the February deadline, but you do meet the eligibility criteria, you may contact your MP about accessing the program.

Details on eligibility are available on the Government of Canada website.