Notable changes to election rules

The Government of Alberta has now released more than 15 guides to inform municipal governments of the changes made to the Local Authorities Election Act (LAEA) and how they will affect 2025 municipal election processes.

The short guides cover a wide range of topics, including:

  • Candidate and Returning Officer eligibility criteria
  • Campaign financing
  • Campaign period, donations, and campaign finances
  • Method of deposits for nominations
  • Recount thresholds
  • Special ballots
  • Third party advertising
  • Voter identification

Here is a list of notable changes to the LAEA that we have not previously highlighted in Weekly articles or on our website:

  • Municipalities cannot require criminal record checks for candidates unless the municipality passed a bylaw on this matter before December 31, 2024.
  • Municipalities must allow candidates to make their nomination deposit by cash, certified cheque, money order, e-transfer, debit, or credit card.
  • Election scrutineers may perform their duties at more than one voting station and cannot be impeded from doing their duties during an election.
  • The ability to object to a voter has been repealed.
  • Municipalities that wish to offer special ballots must do so by passing a council resolution prior to nomination day.
  • Any municipal bylaw that established the number and types of identification required to vote in a municipal election is now void. The LAEA prescribes the new requirements.
  • A person can vouch for a person’s residence, but they cannot vouch for a person’s identity. The voter must be able to produce government identification that validates their identity.