Nothing says SUMMER like consultation on regulations!

This month, Municipal Affairs is holding engagement sessions to seek input from Alberta’s municipal associations on regulations related to Bill 20, the Municipal Affairs Statutes Amendment Act.

Alberta Municipalities' Executive Committee is meeting later this week to discuss our approach, including how to seek feedback from members on positions. The following topics are among those that will be covered in these engagement sessions:

  • Joint Use Planning Agreements (JUPAs)
  • Definition of “public interest”
  • Definition of “provincial government policy”
  • Code of conduct (integrity commissioners)
  • Election campaign expenses
  • Local political parties

We are building on our existing principles and positions to develop initial responses to each topic. We are also collaborating with other associations to share perspectives and see where alignment is possible to strengthen advocacy positions.

Stay tuned for more information on how you can help shape our input on these important regulations.