October 15 deadline for feedback on police funding!

Last week, Justice and Solicitor General hosted a webinar to present and gather preliminary feedback on a draft police funding model that would apply to municipalities with populations under 5,000, and municipal districts and counties. If you were unable to attend the webinar, the recording, presentation, backgrounder, and definitions are available for your review, along with a sample calculation to assist you in determining the policing costs for your municipality under the proposed model.

Justice and Solicitor General are also conducting a survey and accepting written submissions on the model until October 15, 2019. Written submissions should be sent to JSG.PSDEngagement [at] gov.ab.ca (JSG[dot]PSDEngagement[at]gov[dot]ab[dot]ca). If you have any questions about these materials or the province’s engagement process, you can contact the engagement team at that email address.

Last year, AUMA established a Police Act Working Group to inform our responses to consultations on policing. More information about the working group, including membership and terms of reference, is posted here. A copy of the working group’s first submission to the province, which outlines AUMA’s suggested principles for a more equitable police funding model that would apply to all municipalities, can be viewed here.

The working group will be coordinating AUMA’s response to the upcoming call for feedback on the draft police funding model. If you would like to share your municipality’s feedback with the working group, or if you have any questions about AUMA’s advocacy on this topic, please contact Kelly Santarossa, Senior Policy Advisor, at 780-409-4315 or ksantarossa [at] auma.ca (ksantarossa[at]auma[dot]ca).