Proposed changes to Automated Traffic Enforcement

The Government of Alberta is planning to introduce changes to how municipalities can deploy Automated Traffic Enforcement (ATE), which is sometimes referred to as photo radar.

The provincial government may ban photo radar from provincial highways, restricting usage to playground, school and construction zones, and eliminate the use of intersection safety devices. These changes could reduce municipalities’ ability to deploy photo radar in areas where traditional traffic stops are unsafe for drivers and law enforcement officers. They could also lead to more police resources being committed to traffic safety instead of other more pressing public safety issues.

The Government of Alberta has expressed concerned that photo radar is being used by municipalities to generate revenue instead of improving traffic safety. Interestingly, the provincial government increased its share of all traffic fines collected under the Traffic Safety Act from 26.7% to 40%, resulting in an additional $37 million annually in provincial revenue.

ABmunis members are encouraged to contact their local MLA and Transportation and Economic Corridors Minister Devin Dreeshen to share their thoughts on these proposed changes.