Province extends funding to assist with MGA change management

Alberta Municipal Affairs has announced that two funding streams under the Alberta Community Partnership (ACP) for Municipal Government Act (MGA) change management will be extended for an additional year. AUMA is pleased to see this announcement given its extensive advocacy stressing the need for additional resources to help municipalities transition to new requirements.

The Local Land-Use Planning (LLUP) component has been extended for one more year to assist municipalities under 3,500 in population in developing municipal development plans (MDP) for the first time. Previously, only municipalities above 3,500 were required to pass an MDP. AUMA had strongly advocated for resources to be made available to assist municipalities in meeting this new requirement given the large impact it has on small communities.

The Intermunicipal Collaboration component will also continue with priority given to projects that support intermunicipal collaboration framework development (ICF). AUMA has worked extensively to ensure resources are available to assist in ICF development, including the development of an Intermunicipal Collaboration Workbook that sets out step-by-step process for developing an ICF with your neighbours.

Applications for both the LLUP and IC components are due by November 1, 2018. More details about the ACP and its various components are available on the Municipal Affairs website. Additional tools and resources for MGA change management are also available on the AUMA website.