Province launches consultation on Local Authorities Election Act

The provincial government has launched consultations on the Local Authorities Election Act, which governs elections for municipalities and school boards.

The consultation covers:

  • campaign period length
  • nomination process
  • campaign finance
  • third-party advertising
  • recall of municipally elected officials

AUMA is developing a submission, which will be informed by principles and positions endorsed by members through a 2016 resolution, as well as input from members that guided our submission on the 2018 review of the Act. AUMA continues to advocate that the Act enables fair, transparent, non-partisan local elections that meet the democratic standards our citizens expect.

We encourage our members to complete the survey, or provide a MA.MSLEngagementGroup [at] (submission) on the consultation.

If you have input that you would like AUMA to consider in developing our submission, please send it to advocacy [at] (advocacy[at]auma[dot]ca) by February 17.