Public Lands Administration Regulations Amendments

Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP) recently announced amendments to the Public Lands Administration Regulations (PLAR) that increase the term of tourism and commercial recreation leases on public lands from 25 years to 60 years. The increased maximum term length is intended to improve investment terms for individuals and businesses interested in pursuing a tourism and commercial recreation development on public land.

While recent amendments of the PLAR will not impact the day-to-day operation of municipalities, they may lead to a positive tourism spill over affect for municipalities located close to public lands.

If you have any questions about the amendments, please reach out directly to AEP representatives on this file:

  • For inquiries related to the changes, please contact Dianne Gorday – Public Lands Legislative Specialist by email at Dianne.Gorday [at] (Dianne[dot]Gorday[at]gov[dot]ab[dot]ca) or by phone at 780-644-4983
  • For questions pertaining to planning, please reach out to Lisa Bergen, Public Land Planning Specialist, by email at Lisa.Bergen [at] (Lisa[dot]Bergen[at]gov[dot]ab[dot]ca) or by phone at 780-644-2366.