Recorded webinar: AMSC Insurance Services negotiates auto insurance premiums credit

We know that some of our insurance clients are facing difficult financial circumstances resulting from the pandemic. Since we serve members and not shareholders, we have negotiated with our insurer to provide our insurance clients with credit on their auto insurance premiums.

Program overview

There are a few conditions that must be met to qualify for the credit:

  • You must identify to us which of your vehicles you have parked - these are the ones for which you will receive credit.
  • Your insured vehicles must be parked for 90 contiguous days or part thereof from March 17, 2020.
  • All vehicle types are eligible for the credit program, except emergency use vehicles, because they are always on stand-by.

Credit will be provided for parked vehicles up to June 17, 2020. If the current conditions continue beyond June 17, 2020, we will discuss with our insurer the possibility of extending the credit program.

Webinar details

We hosted a webinar last Thursday to explain the auto premium credit program in greater detail. You can view the recording of the webinar on AUMA’s YouTube channel.

We welcome your questions. Please e-mail them to us at insurance [at] (insurance[at]auma[dot]ca).