Recycling pilot program to weed out agriculture wastes

A three-year pilot program that will recycle agricultural plastics is coming to Alberta! Cleanfarms has been selected as the program operator for the pilot program to collect grain bags and twine. Currently, Cleanfarms is seeking interested municipalities to be potential collection sites. If you are interested, please email Cleanfarms.

During AUMA’s recent Municipal Leaders’ Caucus, AUMA once again heard that some municipalities are having a hard time dealing with grain bags in their region. The pilot program will provide some short-term relief for municipalities that are seeing agricultural plastics coming to their landfills. AUMA has long advocated for better recycling in Alberta. During the three-year pilot, AUMA plans to work with Alberta Environment and Parks on developing a policy that will see the pilot transition into a permanent solution.

The funding for the pilot came from Alberta Agricultural and Forestry. Alberta Beef and the Agricultural Plastics Recycling Program (APRG) are administrators of the program. APRG is a 20 member stakeholder group, advocating for a better solution to dispose of plastic waste. AUMA is a member of APRG, along with the Rural Municipalities of Alberta, Alberta Beef Producers, Alberta Plastics Recycling Association, Recycling of Alberta, Alberta Environment and Parks.