Regulatory Assurance System replacing EAS OneStop

AUMA hosted a webinar with Alberta Environment and Parks in January 2021 regarding the transforming ministry’s environmental regulatory system. AUMA has called on the provincial government to reduce administrative barriers on municipalities and provided a Red Tape Reduction submission to the Alberta government in the fall of 2019.

Environment and Parks has been working on completing the new Digital Regulatory Assurance System (DRAS) in preparation for go-live on June 21, 2021. Effective June 21, 2021, DRAS will be the only system applicants will use to submit Water Act approval applications, amendments and Code of Practice notices.

On June 14, 2021, Environmental Approval System (EAS) OneStop access will be terminated for both applicants and regulators. There will be a seven-day pause to transfer submitted and approved applications and data from EAS OneStop to DRAS. At that time, any draft applications that have not been submitted for regulatory review will be permanently deleted.

If you have any questions, please contact AEP.OST [at] (AEP[dot]OST[at]gov[dot]ab[dot]ca).