Research before you resolve

Research is an essential part of a strong resolution.

A good place to start is the Resolutions Library to determine if AUMA already has a resolution on an issue and the status of our advocacy.

AUMA’s 2021 Business Plan is available online to provide members an overview of our strategic initiatives for the year. Our prioritization framework is also available online and is a useful tool for thinking through factors that will impact the potential success of a resolution.

In addition, it is helpful to do a search of AUMA’s website more broadly, as we work on a wide variety of emerging and longstanding issues. It may be similarly helpful to check out RMA and FCM’s websites for action they may be taking on a particular issue.

We also encourage you to reach out to other municipalities. They may be willing to co-sponsor or second your resolution and provide useful insights on the issue and potential solutions.

Most importantly, do not hesitate to reach out to AUMA staff at advocacy [at] (advocacy[at]auma[dot]ca). We can point you toward helpful information and provide feedback on whether a resolution is the best avenue for addressing your issue.

For more tips on resolution, check out our 2021 Resolutions Guide and Template.