Resolutions DEADLINE is JUNE 30. Are you ready?

June 30 is the deadline for submitting resolutions to resolutions [at] (resolutions[at]auma[dot]ca).

In the email be sure to include:

  • A word version of the resolution in the format outlined in AUMA’s 2021 Resolutions Guide and Template
  • Confirmation of the moving council’s endorsement
  • Confirmation of the seconding municipality’s endorsement.

To provide confirmation, copy and paste wording of the motion into the body of the email and indicate the date of the meeting. You may also include a link to meeting minutes if they are posted online.

Submitted resolutions will be reviewed by AUMA’s Municipal Governance Committee at their July meeting. AUMA administration may reach out to the moving municipalities to address any questions or concerns of the committee before the resolutions are finalized for review by AUMA’s Board. They will be released to members no later than eight weeks before AUMA’s November Convention.

Visit AUMA’s website for more information about resolutions and email resolutions [at] (resolutions[at]auma[dot]ca) with any questions about the process.