Resources available for communities interested in Community Generation Projects

When AUMA finalized its Community Generation Working Group Final Report in 2019, one of the action items was to develop a toolkit for members who are planning to pursue a community generation project. AUMA partnered with Decentralised Energy Canada (DEC) as they were beginning to develop their own community generation project guidebook and toolkit for municipalities and Indigenous communities. DEC has completed the guidebook and toolkit and in recognition of AUMA’s support is offering a discounted rate on the PDF version of these resources for AUMA members. The first two chapters of each resource are also available for no charge on their website.

To support the rollout of this resource, five eligible communities will receive a grant covering 50 per cent of the costs of community energy training and/or project development support. The training includes a two-day capacity-building course to strengthen your team’s skills. Project Development delivers specialized support (technical, economic, legal, and more) to help your team succeed in making their community energy project a reality. To apply for this grant opportunity visit DEC’s website.