Reviewing your electricity D&T charges can save you money

With the Government of Alberta’s call for the replacement of coal facilities with new renewable energy, distribution and transmission (D&T) charges have been steadily rising and that trend is expected to continue. Given the record-low electricity prices in Alberta over the last few years, it has not been uncommon for D&T charges to comprise 50 per cent or more of the total electricity bill.

While many components of the D&T charges are fixed - rates are set by the wire service providers and local distribution companies in rate schedules - they can be managed by understanding and ensuring the appropriateness of the rate schedules and reducing site energy usage.

If you’re a member of the AMSC Energy Retail Program, contact the amscenergy [at] (AMSC Energy team) to review your bill to identify opportunities to reduce your D&T costs and recommend sustainable cost-reducing actions.

To learn more about D&T charges, along with other timely energy market topics, AMSC Energy Retail Program clients are invited to attend our upcoming AMSC Energy Symposium