RMWB invites AUMA members to observe Senate Committee Meeting

Invitation to AUMA members from Don Scott, QC, Mayor of Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo:

"I would like to invite you, as a member of the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association (AUMA), to be our guests for a special visit to Wood Buffalo on April 10-11, 2019.

As many of you know, the Senate Standing Committee on Energy, the Environment and Natural Resources is holding public hearings in Fort McMurray on Wednesday, April 10. While the committee will not be inviting us as individuals to speak to the bill, there will be an opportunity to make written submissions and the hearing provides a good opportunity for municipalities to show solidarity and observe the parliamentary process firsthand. In the evening, we’ll host a networking reception for AUMA members.

On Thursday, April 11, join us for a half-day tour of Suncor’s base plant facilities where you’ll get an up-close look at the oil sands industry and view the region’s first reclaimed tailings pond before heading home in the afternoon.

As your hosts, we’ll provide meals for the duration of your visit. A more detailed itinerary will follow. Please RSVP by end of day Friday, April 5, by emailing my office at mayor [at] rmwb.ca (mayor[at]rmwb[dot]ca).

Come join us and see for yourself why Wood Buffalo is a vibrant, sustainable region we are proud to call home."