Save the Date - Summer Municipal Leaders’ Caucus
Attention Mayors, Councillors, and CAOs! AUMA’s Summer Municipal Leaders’ Caucus will be coming soon to a location near you:
July 29 – Fairview
August 6 – Vermilion
August 11 – Stony Plain
August 19 – Nanton
August 20 – Sylvan Lake
The cost of attending caucus will be $100, and registration is reserved for regular members only. Given the current pandemic and resulting event capacity constraints, in-person registration will be limited to one person per municipality, and each municipality may only attend one date in person. However, we are exploring options to hold a virtual session to enable broader attendance.
AUMA is committed to keeping members safe and healthy, so physical distancing measures will be in place, and we will provide bagged lunches and bottled and canned beverages. Hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes will also be available at all events.
Registration details will be sent to CAOs and Mayors the first week of July, including program information and details on the virtual session.