Off-site levies manual now available

In order to continue supporting municipalities across Alberta with adapting to changes to the Municipal Government Act, RMA and AUMA engaged Brownlee LLP to develop Off-Site Levies: A Municipality’s Manual for Capital Cost Recovery Due to New Development. This manual provides municipalities with an overview of off-site levies, including changes made to the scope and reporting on off-site levies through amendments to the MGA and the Off-Site Levies Regulation. The manual also provides a step-by-step approach to implementing an off-site levy regime, including financial and reporting requirements.

Additionally, the manual provides information on the following:

  • When off-site levies make sense;
  • Off-site levies for transportation infrastructure;
  • The impact of off-site levies on the development industry;
  • Off-site levies and municipal finances;
  • Legal challenges to off-site levies; and
  • Off-site levy case studies.

The manual has been formatted to allow readers to easily navigate to sections most relevant to them. For example, elected officials will likely be interested in the section about when levies make sense, while administrators will want to dive into the more-technical sections to help modify their municipalities’ current off-site levy regimes to align them with new MGA-related requirements. To access the manual, click here.

If you have any questions or concerns about the manual, please contact AUMA’s Advocacy staff at  advocacy [at] (advocacy[at]auma[dot]ca).