Strong Communities Build Alberta: Convention 2019 builds on members' hard work

Now that we’ve wrapped up another whirlwind AUMA Convention, we want to say THANK YOU to all our members and attendees (almost 1,200!) who travelled to Edmonton last week to learn, connect, support each other and engage with government partners. It was truly an event full of community building.

Below are some event highlights:

Notable quotes

"We're looking at the impact on municipalities who are bearing enforcement costs. We're working with AGLC to explore this issue." -- Hon. Travis Toews in response to a question on fair share of cannabis revenues from Bill Given, Mayor, City of Grande Prairie

 “I was honoured to address more than 1,100 of our government’s municipal partners today and participate in the dialogue session with my cabinet colleagues after. Thank you all for the warm reception. We have a lot of work to do, but we are up to the challenge.” -- Hon. Kaycee Madu, Minister of Municipal Affairs

“I acknowledge your questions and worries about FCSS. Our government is committed to helping the most vulnerable in societies. That dialogue will always be open.” – Hon. Rajan Sawhney, Minister of Community and Social Services

“Homelessness is an important priority reflected in budget, but our real priority economically is to create that right business environment to ensure that municipalities have revenues down the road.” – Hon. Travis Toews, President of Treasury Board and Minister of Finance

“Minister Jason Nixon just got a big round of applause for a commitment to advance the recycling portfolio in Alberta. We can learn from successes and mistakes in programs across the country and make a made-in-Alberta EPR solution.” – Cathy Heron, Mayor of St. Albert and AUMA Vice-President, Director of Cities up to 500,000.

“We need you to be part of this team. We have been through some challenging times. But we Albertans are resilient. We are innovative. We are sometimes audacious. We have always overcome adversity in our history. A lot of our fellow Albertans are still hurting. We need to send them a sign of hope that all of us together, as the leaders of this province, are committed to doing everything we can to get this economy back on track.” - Premier Jason Kenney addressing the 1,100 delegates at AUMA’s 2019 Convention


View Premier Kenney’s speech to AUMA members on September 27, 2019 (courtesy of Government of Alberta’s YouTube channel): 


Additional information about the outcomes of resolutions and other Convention-related items will be available next week, so stay tuned.