Throne speech highlights importance of engaging municipalities

Yesterday’s throne speech outlined the provincial government’s agenda for the coming legislative session and beyond. It included several policy announcements that will impact municipalities and require our engagement and input to successfully be implemented. Accordingly, AUMA will be closely monitoring provincial announcements and actions related to:

  • unveiling the 2020 Capital Plan;
  • introducing the Fairness for Newcomers Action Plan and Alberta Advantage Immigration Program;
  • implementing a renewed mental health and addictions strategy;
  • amending the Victims of Crime Act; and
  • undertaking reforms to strengthen democracy in Alberta, such as through allowing citizens to initiate referendums; introducing a recall act for MLAs and local elected officials; and introducing donor limits for political action committees.

More details on many of these announcements are expected to become available in this Thursday’s provincial budget. AUMA members are invited to join our budget webinar this Friday (February 28) from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m., where we will share our budget analysis.

This webinar has a limited number of spots, and only municipal elected officials and staff from AUMA member municipalities may participate. To register for the webinar, please refer to the February 13 email invitation sent from AUMA President Barry Morishita to your CAO and mayor, or visit AUMA’s Budget 2020 webpage.