Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion takes another step forward

This week, the National Energy Board (NEB) cleared an important hurdle for the critical Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion Project, with it once again recommending that Trans Mountain should proceed. This second review was the result of a court ruling last year which found that the NEB had not sufficiently considered all the impacts of the project. Additional steps remain including completing consultations with Indigenous communities, which the Federal Minister of Natural Resources, Amarjeet Sohi indicated the consultations will be completed within 90 days. The project still faces 156 conditions and 16 optional conditions proposed by the NEB which is a similar outcome to their first ruling.

AUMA is pleased to see this project moving forward as it is vital to communities across Alberta and the country. AUMA has taken a number of steps to show our support for this project including:

  • A resolution passed unanimously by our members in 2017;
  • A letter signed by 167 Alberta municipalities in support which was sent to Prime Minister Trudeau; and
  • An open letter from our President.

For Albertans and municipalities, this project represents jobs, market access for our industry and nearly $124 million in new tax dollars for communities in Alberta alone over the next 20 years according to the Conference Board of Canada. Revenues that municipalities will use to provide funding to build essential municipal infrastructures, such as transportation, recreation, and housing.

AUMA continues to explore ways to rally more support from municipalities across the country. We plan to advocate for Alberta municipalities until the project is completed.