Update from the Legislature - Apr 21

The legislature continues to sit this week before breaking for a constituency week next week. MLAs are working their way through the government’s spring legislative agenda, with fifteen government bills currently before the legislature.

Last week the province announced additional support for small businesses that have been affected by public health restrictions through the Small and Medium Enterprise Relaunch Grant. Eligible enterprises will be able to receive another payment of up to $10,000 this month. The province also announced that the eligibility age to receive the AstraZeneca vaccine has been lowered to 40, effective April 20. You may book a vaccine here.

The federal budget was released on April 19. You may find a high-level overview here.


Spring 2021 Legislation Status (as of Tuesday, April 20) 


Leave to Introduce a Bill 

Bill 49 - Labour Mobility Act (Copping)


Second Reading 

Bill 51 - Citizen Initiative Act (Madu) 

Bill 52 - Recall Act (Madu) 

Bill 58 - Freedom to Care Act (Aheer)

Bill 62 - Red Tape Reduction Implementation Act, 2021 (Hunter)

Bill 63 - Police (Street Checks and Carding) Amendment Act, 2021 (Madu)

Bill 64 - Public Lands Amendment Act, 2021 (Nixon)

Bill 65 - Health Statutes Amendment Act, 2021 (Shandro)

Bill 66 - Public Health Amendment Act, 2021 (Shandro)

Bill 67 - Skilled Trades and Apprenticeship Education Act (Nicolaides)

Bill 68 - Election Statutes Amendment Act, 2021 (Madu)

Bill 69 - Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 2021 (Nixon)


Committee of the Whole

Bill 56 - Local Measures Statutes Amendment Act, 2021 (McIver)

Bill 57 - Metis Settlements Amendment Act, 2021 (Wilson)

Bill 61 - Vital Statistics Amendment Act, 2021 (Glubish)


Third Reading

Bill 55 - College of Alberta School Superintendents Act (LaGrange)


Awaiting Royal Assent

Bill 54 - Irrigation Districts Amendment Act, 2021 (Dreeshen) 

Bill 211 - Municipal Government (Firearms) Amendment Act, 2020 (Glasgo)


Received Royal Assent 

Bill 53 - Service Alberta Statutes (Virtual Meetings) Amendment Act, 2021 (Glubish)

Bill 59 - Appropriation (Supplementary Supply) Act, 2021 ($) (Toews)

Bill 60 - Appropriation Act, 2021 ($) (Toews)