Update from the Legislature - July 22

"Safe restart” funding agreement reached

On July 16, the federal government reached an agreement with provinces and territories on the “safe economic restart” plan which includes funding for seven priority areas including significant investments targeted to municipalities. As the FCM indicates, this agreement is a promising start at addressing the financial crisis municipalities face in this pandemic, as we work to protect frontline services for Canadians, and prepare to help lead Canada’s economic recovery.

The Government of Canada will contribute up to $2 billion to support municipalities with COVID-19 operating costs for the next six to eight months. Provincial and territorial governments will continue to support municipalities and will cost-match federal supports with investments made this fiscal year. In addition, the Government of Canada will also cost-match approximately $1.8 billion to support any additional provincial/territorial contributions to public transit. We are still awaiting details on how the funds will be allocated, but the announcement is welcome news to Alberta municipalities.

At the Alberta Legislature, Bill 29, Local Authorities Election Amendment Act, was passed by the legislature early Wednesday morning. AUMA is disappointed that the government was unwilling to accept and act on our reasonable proposals to amend the legislation so it better aligned with our principals. President Morishita issued a statement on Bill 29, which you will find here.

Spring 2020 Legislation Status (as of Wednesday, July 22)

Second Reading 

Bill 30 — Health Statutes Amendment Act, 2020 (Shandro)

Bill 32 — Restoring Balance in Alberta’s Workplaces Act, 2020 (Copping)


Bill 33 — Alberta Investment Attraction Act (Fir)

Third Reading  

Bill 31 — Environmental Protection Statutes Amendment Act, 2020 (Nixon)

Bill 34 — Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 2020 (Nixon)

Awaiting Royal Assent

Bill 21 — Provincial Administrative Penalties Act (Schweitzer)  

Bill 22 — Red Tape Reduction Implementation Act, 2020 (Hunter)

Bill 23 — Commercial Tenancies Protection Act (Fir)

Bill 25 — Protecting Alberta Industry From Theft Act, 2020 (Schweitzer) 

Bill 26 — Constitutional Referendum Amendment Act, 2020 (Schweitzer)

Bill 27 — Alberta Senate Election Amendment Act, 2020 (Schweitzer)

Bill 28 — Vital Statistics (Protecting Albertans from Convicted Sex Offenders) Amendment Act, 2020 (Glubish) 

Bill 29 — Local Authorities Election Amendment Act, 2020 (Madu)

Received Royal Assent 

Bill 1 — Critical Infrastructure Defence Act (Kenney) 

Bill 2 — Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Amendment Act, 2020 (Hunter) 

Bill 3 — Mobile Home Sites Tenancies Amendment Act, 2020 (Glubish)

Bill 4 — Fiscal Planning and Transparency (Fixed Budget Period) Amendment Act, 2020 (Toews) 

Bill 5 — Fiscal Measures and Taxation Act, 2020 (Toews) 

Bill 6 — Appropriation Act, 2020 ($) (Toews)

Bill 7 — Responsible Energy Development Amendment Act, 2020 (Savage) 

Bill 8 — Protecting Survivors of Human Trafficking Act (Schweitzer) 

Bill 9 — Emergency Management Amendment Act, 2020 (Madu)

Bill 10 — Public Health (Emergency Powers) Amendment Act, 2020 (Shandro)       

Bill 11 — Tenancies Statutes (Emergency Provisions) Amendment Act, 2020 (Glubish) 

Bill 12 — Liabilities Management Statutes Amendment Act, 2020 (Savage) 

Bill 13 — Emergency Management Amendment Act, 2020 (No. 2) (Madu) 

Bill 14 — Utility Payment Deferral Program Act (Nally)

Bill 15 — Choice in Education Act, 2020 (LaGrange)

Bill 16 — Victims of Crime (Strengthening Public Safety) Amendment Act, 2020 (Schweitzer) 

Bill 17 — Mental Health Amendment Act, 2020 (Shandro) 

Bill 18 — Corrections (Alberta Parole Board) Amendment Act, 2020 (Schweitzer) 

Bill 19 — Tobacco and Smoking Reduction Amendment Act, 2020 (Shandro) 

Bill 20 — Real Estate Amendment Act, 2020 (Glubish) 

Bill 24 — COVID-19 Pandemic Response Statutes Amendment Act, 2020 (Shandro)