Update from the Legislature - June 16

The legislature is sitting this week, with the legislative session expected to adjourn for the summer recess no later than tomorrow. With the strong possibility of a Speech from the Throne this fall, any legislation not passed by the time the session adjourns will likely die on the order paper.

With vaccine uptake about to plateau, the province announced a three-draw lottery as an additional incentive for Albertans to receive their first and second doses. Each of the three winners will receive a $1 million prize. Individuals who have been vaccinated with their first dose may register for the July draw from June 14 until one week after 70% of eligible Albertans have had their first dose.

The two-week countdown for entering the third and final stage of the province’s  “Open for Summer Plan” plan will be triggered when 70% of Albertans aged 12 and older have received their first vaccine dose. Based on new incentives and the current pace of vaccinations, the province projects Alberta will enter Stage Three by early July.

Spring 2021 Legislation Status (as of Tuesday, June 15)

Leave to Introduce a Bill 

Bill 49 - Labour Mobility Act (Copping)


Second Reading                                                               



Committee of the Whole 

Bill 58 - Freedom to Care Act (Aheer)

Bill 70 - COVID-19 Related Measures Act (MLA Gotfried)


Third Reading

Bill 56 - Local Measures Statutes Amendment Act, 2021 (McIver)


Awaiting Royal Assent

Bill 51 - Citizen Initiative Act (Madu)

Bill 52 - Recall Act (Madu) 

Bill 57 - Metis Settlements Amendment Act, 2021 (Wilson)

Bill 62 - Red Tape Reduction Implementation Act, 2021 (Hunter)

Bill 63 - Police (Street Checks and Carding) Amendment Act, 2021 (Madu)

Bill 65 - Health Statutes Amendment Act, 2021 (Shandro)

Bill 67 - Skilled Trades and Apprenticeship Education Act (Nicolaides)

Bill 68 - Election Statutes Amendment Act, 2021 (Madu)

Bill 69 - Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 2021 (Nixon)

Bill 72 – Preserving Canada’s Economic Prosperity Act (Savage)

Received Royal Assent 

Bill 53 - Service Alberta Statutes (Virtual Meetings) Amendment Act, 2021 (Glubish)

Bill 54 - Irrigation Districts Amendment Act, 2021 (Dreeshen)

Bill 55 - College of Alberta School Superintendents Act (LaGrange)

Bill 59 - Appropriation (Supplementary Supply) Act, 2021 ($) (Toews)

Bill 60 - Appropriation Act, 2021 ($) (Toews)

Bill 61 - Vital Statistics Amendment Act, 2021 (Glubish)

Bill 64 - Public Lands Amendment Act, 2021 (Nixon)

Bill 66 - Public Health Amendment Act, 2021 (Shandro)

Bill 71 - Employment Standards (COVID-19 Vaccination Leave) Amendment Act, 2021 (Copping)

Bill 211 - Municipal Government (Firearms) Amendment Act, 2021  (Glasgo)