Update from the Legislature - June 30

Last week, the provincial government passed an Order in Council officially issuing a writ for an election under the Alberta Senate Election Act to be held in conjunction with the municipal elections on October 18.

The province had previously announced a referendum on Equalization will also be held on October 18, consistent with Government Motion 83, which was passed by the assembly on June 15. A decision on whether to hold additional referenda is expected to be made in the next few weeks. The legislature is adjourned until October 25.

The Government of Alberta announced $8 million in funding for the Alberta Residential Schools Community Research Grant on June 23. The Grant will support “Indigenous-led engagement, research and related activities associated with the documented and undocumented deaths and burials of Indigenous children at any of the historical Indian residential school sites in Alberta.”

Tomorrow, Alberta enters the third and final stage of the province’s  “Open for Summer Plan” which will see nearly all COVID-19 related public health restrictions lifted. Some restrictions, including mandatory masking at long-term care homes and on public transit, will remain in place for now.