Update from the Legislature - Mar 24

As highlighted last week, the government recently introduced the Recall Act, which if passed would create a process for the recall of provincial, municipal and school board officials. AUMA has reviewed the bill and expressed our concerns and suggested changes to the Minister of Justice and Solicitor General and will monitor the legislation as it moves through the legislative process.

On Monday the legislature a passed a motion to strike a Select Special Committee on Real Property Rights. The Committee’s mandate is to consider:

(a) whether the legal remedies available to a real property owner who is deprived of the use of their real property are adequate;

(b) whether the real property rights should be expanded, or in the case of an individual, constitutionally protected;

(c) whether the law of adverse possession should be abolished;

(d) whether the expropriation processes provided under the Expropriation Act are adequate; and

(e) any other matter that the Committee decides is necessary to ensure the completeness of its review.

The Committee will be given until December 15, 2021 to complete a report and provide recommendations. AUMA looks forward to engaging the committee and ensuring the interests of our members are represented.


Spring 2021 Legislation Status (as of Tuesday, March 23) 


Leave to Introduce a Bill 

Bill 49 - Labour Mobility Act (Copping) 

Bill 58 - Freedom to Care Act (Aheer)


Second Reading 

Bill 51 - Citizen Initiative Act (Madu) 

Bill 52 - Recall Act (Madu) 

Bill 54 - Irrigation Districts Amendment Act, 2021 (Dreeshen) 

Bill 55 - College of Alberta School Superintendents Act (LaGrange)

Bill 56 - Local Measures Statutes Amendment Act, 2021 (McIver)

Bill 57 - Metis Settlements Amendment Act, 2021 (Wilson)

Bill 60 - Appropriation Act, 2021 ($) (Toews)

Bill 61 - Vital Statistics Amendment Act, 2021 (Glubish)


Committee of the Whole 

Bill 53 - Service Alberta Statutes (Virtual Meetings) Amendment Act, 2021 (Glubish)

Bill 211 - Municipal Government (Firearms) Amendment Act, 2020 (Glasgo)


Third Reading 

Bill 59 - Appropriation (Supplementary Supply) Act, 2021 ($) (Toews)


Awaiting Royal Assent 



Received Royal Assent