Update from the Legislature - May 19

Government House Leader Jason Nixon extended the suspension of the Legislature until after the Victoria Day weekend while the Speaker’s Office explores ways to conduct virtual sittings with MLAs casting votes electronically.

Two MLAs were removed from the government caucus on May 13. The caucus voted to oust Cypress-Medicine Hat MLA Drew Barnes, a consistent critic of pandemic-related restrictions, and Central Peace-Notley MLA Todd Loewen, who publicly called for Premier Kenney to resign. Both MLAs will sit as independent members, bringing the seat count in the Legislature to 60 UCP, 24 NDP and 3 independents.

The province is in the middle of a multi million-dollar ad campaign to encourage people to receive the Covid-19 vaccine and is encouraging municipal leaders to play a leadership role in promoting vaccination in their communities.


Spring 2021 Legislation Status (as of Tuesday, May 18)

Leave to Introduce a Bill 

Bill 49 - Labour Mobility Act (Copping)


Second Reading                                                                            

Bill 52 - Recall Act (Madu) 

Bill 62 - Red Tape Reduction Implementation Act, 2021 (Hunter)

Bill 64 - Public Lands Amendment Act, 2021 (Nixon)

Bill 66 - Public Health Amendment Act, 2021 (Shandro)

Bill 67 - Skilled Trades and Apprenticeship Education Act (Nicolaides)

Bill 68 - Election Statutes Amendment Act, 2021 (Madu)

Bill 69 - Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 2021 (Nixon)

Bill 70 - COVID-19 Related Measures Act (MLA Gotfried)


Committee of the Whole 

Bill 51 - Citizen Initiative Act (Madu) 

Bill 56 - Local Measures Statutes Amendment Act, 2021 (McIver)

Bill 57 - Metis Settlements Amendment Act, 2021 (Wilson)

Bill 58 - Freedom to Care Act (Aheer)

Bill 63 - Police (Street Checks and Carding) Amendment Act, 2021 (Madu)

Bill 65 - Health Statutes Amendment Act, 2021 (Shandro)


Third Reading



Awaiting Royal Assent



Received Royal Assent 

Bill 53 - Service Alberta Statutes (Virtual Meetings) Amendment Act, 2021 (Glubish)

Bill 54 - Irrigation Districts Amendment Act, 2021 (Dreeshen)

Bill 55 - College of Alberta School Superintendents Act (LaGrange)

Bill 59 - Appropriation (Supplementary Supply) Act, 2021 ($) (Toews)

Bill 60 - Appropriation Act, 2021 ($) (Toews)

Bill 61 - Vital Statistics Amendment Act, 2021 (Glubish)

Bill 71 - Employment Standards (COVID-19 Vaccination Leave) Amendment Act, 2021 (Copping)

Bill 211 - Municipal Government (Firearms) Amendment Act, 2020 (Glasgo)