Used oil management being transferred to the Alberta Recycling Management Authority

Alberta Environment and Parks will transfer the Alberta Used Oil Management Association (AUOMA) to the Alberta Recycling Management Authority effective October 1, 2018.

AUMA has been asking the Minister of Environment and Parks to evaluate the long-term sustainability of the used oil program. AUOMA has had an operating deficit since 2016 and 134 public used oil collection sites have closed in the last two years. In the areas where collection sites have been closed, municipalities are left to collect and manage this material. The recent amendment did not look at the financing of the program, and AUMA is concerned that this will result in further downloading of this provincial responsibility onto municipalities.

AUMA has also called for further amendments to Alberta’s recycling regulatory framework including looking at expanding existing tire, electronic and paint recycling programs. Municipalities have long called for the Government of Alberta to work with municipalities on a more comprehensive approach to reducing waste, including enacting Extended Producer Responsibility regulations for paper and packaging materials and having a policy on emerging waste such as agricultural plastics. Unfortunately, the recent amendments did none of these.

Through AUMA’s Waste Management Hub, you can find background information about Alberta’s recycling program. We are encouraging our members to send a letter to their MLA outlining the need for provincial action to improve waste management in Alberta.