We provided a $4 million rebate through insurance premium reductions

Shielded by your insurance pool

The insurance market remains in a volatile state, experiencing 40-60% premium increases from some insurers. We are extremely pleased to be able to help our members this year by reducing the premiums we charge by $4 million. This means our insurance pool subscribers will benefit from premiums well below what other insurance providers are offering. We can do this because of our subscriber-owned insurance reciprocal.

Last year, we cushioned insurance pool premiums by rebating $2 million in the form of a premium reduction. This year, we doubled the amount returned to subscribers with a $4 million premium reduction.

Upcoming webinar

Please keep an eye out for our upcoming webinar to learn more about this year’s renewal and to ask questions related to your insurance and risk management needs. Invitations will be sent out soon. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please e-mail us at insurance [at] auma.ca (subject: Insurance%20renewal%20notice) (insurance[at]auma[dot]ca).