Welcome to the New Digest

Welcome to the new AUMA/AMSC Digest!

Our revitalized Digest is part of our ongoing efforts to bring our members valuable and high-quality information. We have designed Digest to make it easier to find what you want to know:

  • Updates on our priority initiatives and programs will be in the Advocacy section at the top of Digest
  • Pertinent and timely articles related to AMSC’s business services will be second from the top and will bring you material to help you manage your municipality
  • The Events section will be where you will find the latest announcements about AUMA’s many annual events, including registration details
  • The Municipal Climate Change Action Centre (MCCAC) and Elected Official Education Program (EOEP) will have their own sections and you will always be seeing something from them
  • We are introducing the Good to Know section to help you will find links to useful information and announcements from the province, federal government, and third-party organizations

We understand that you are busy and have limited time, so we will keep the articles easy to read, providing you what you need to know in just a few short paragraphs.

And if you have only a couple of minutes to spare, the Quick Links section at the top of the page will help you quickly access the week’s priority articles.

Let us know what you think! Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or by email to communications [at] auma.ca (communications[at]auma[dot]ca) and share your feedback on the new Digest.

Be sure to subscribe to the new AUMA/AMSC Digest and the other AUMA newsletters.

Happy reading!