Would you like to win $350?

University of Alberta researchers are currently conducting a survey of municipal renewable energy projects and motivations. If you are an elected official or municipal employee involved with energy or sustainability, please consider completing this survey. Respondents will be eligible to win one of two gift cards valued at $350! The survey should take between 20 to 30 minutes to complete, and we recommend completing the survey on a computer.

Measuring the Costs and Benefits of Energy Transitions is a research project led by the University of Alberta. This research is part of the Future Energy Systems Research Initiative, funded through the Canada First Research Excellence Fund.

The project examines community energy transitions in Canada, including the motivations, opportunities, and barriers communities and municipalities are facing. Here is a recent summary of some of their work.

One of the objectives of the study is that it will help municipalities in the development of information, recommendations, and tools to adopt more renewable energy policies and projects.

If you have questions about the survey, please sonak [at] ualberta.ca (email Sonak Patel) at the University of Alberta.