Increasing Women's Participation in Municipal Government
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the AUMA urge the Government of Alberta to support the goal of increasing women’s participation in municipal government through provincial policy and program decisions.
FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT the AUMA urge the Government of Alberta to adopt strategies to achieve a goal of increasing women’s participation in provincial government.
WHEREAS women make up fifty percent of the Canadian population but just 14.6 percent of mayors and 23.7 percent of councillors;
WHEREAS our communities needs the resources, knowledge and skills that women have to offer and decisions made with their participation are more likely to reflect the needs of the entire community;
WHEREAS ninety percent of Canadians think electing more women will improve the political system according to a survey released by the Centre for Research and Information on Canada;
WHEREAS the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) has launched a national campaign with the goal of increasing women’s participation in municipal government to thirty percent by 2026; and
WHEREAS AUMA formed the Women in Municipal Government Committee, supporting raising the awareness of the importance of women in governance and supporting the strengthening of their participation in the democratic process in Alberta.