Regulated Recyclables
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association urge the Province of Alberta to create means to stabilize and develop predictable markets for additional recycled material including paper, cardboard, plastics, steel, drywall, glass and other materials.
WHEREAS ensuring the sustainability of resources is the concern of all Albertans;
WHEREAS the Province of Alberta has taken a leadership role in the creation of provincial wide recycling programs including electronics, tires and beverage containers;
WHEREAS the Province’s leadership has enabled a greener environment and secured recycling facilities for the betterment of all Albertans and the Province as a whole;
WHEREAS Alberta villages, towns and cities collaborate with other orders of government and stakeholders to ensure the sustainability of future resources;
WHEREAS many commodities are not recycled or are recycled at significant costs to municipalities due to the commodity market volatility; and
WHEREAS it is in everyone’s interest that the maximum amount of recycled materials are recycled.
Nov 30/11 - Environment and Water
Regulated Recyclables, which calls for the Association to urge Albertans to stabilize and develop markets for additional recycling material, Alberta has limited influence on world markets and prices or the availability of recycled materials consumers want to purchase. Alberta Environment and Water uses a mix of regulation and voluntary approaches to influence development of local market opportunities. For example, beverage containers, scrap tires, used oil, electronics and paint are all part of the provincially-regulated stewardship programs.
Regulated programs provide a level of certainty for businesses that collect and process these wastes because they can be confident materials will continue to arrive, generating stable and predictable prices in local and world markets. Funds are also available through the Tire Recycling Program to help tire recyclers develop products such as paving tiles, roofing shingles, and livestock mattresses. Plastic bag reduction and cell phone recycling are being addressed through memorandums of understanding with industry associations, whereby industry members have agreed to voluntarily manage and pay for programming.
My Ministry continues to examine stewardship programs and partnerships focusing on waste reduction and prevention. This philosophy aligns with the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association’s Board of Directors recent endorsement of zero waste as an ultimate goal for waste management.
Nov 30/11 – Environment and Water
Regulated Recyclables, which calls for the Association to urge Albertans to stabilize and develop markets for additional recycling material, Alberta has limited influence on world markets and prices or the availability of recycled materials consumers want to purchase. Alberta Environment and Water uses a mix of regulation and voluntary approaches to influence development of local market opportunities. For example, beverage containers, scrap tires, used oil, electronics and paint are all part of the provincially-regulated stewardship programs.
Regulated programs provide a level of certainty for businesses that collect and process these wastes because they can be confident materials will continue to arrive, generating stable and predictable prices in local and world markets. Funds are also available through the Tire Recycling Program to help tire recyclers develop products such as paving tiles, roofing shingles, and livestock mattresses. Plastic bag reduction and cell phone recycling are being addressed through memorandums of understanding with industry associations, whereby industry members have agreed to voluntarily manage and pay for programming.
My Ministry continues to examine stewardship programs and partnerships focusing on waste reduction and prevention. This philosophy aligns with the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association’s Board of Directors recent endorsement of zero waste as an ultimate goal for waste management.
AUMA considers this response.