Off-site Levies
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association renew the request that the Government of Alberta amend Section 648(2) of the Municipal Government Act addressing off-site levies to add new or expanded facilities for fire rescue service, police service, transit service, recreation, including park development and library service to the list of capital costs, thereby granting authority to municipalities to impose an essential services off-site levy to fully serve and complete new communities.
FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association request that the Government of Alberta amend section 648 of the Municipal Government Act so as to allow the collection of additional off-site levies following annexation.
WHEREAS the Province of Alberta continues to enjoy growth and development rates exceeding the Canadian average;
WHEREAS all jurisdictions are placing a greater emphasis on sustainable development;
WHEREAS new growth and development creates the need for additional capital expenditures to expand the provision of essential services such as recreational facilities, fire halls and libraries;
WHEREAS Section 648 of the Municipal Government Act allows municipalities to collect off-site levies for water systems, sanitary sewer systems, storm sewer systems and roads only, without the necessary ability to collect off-site levies for provisions of essential services such as recreational facilities, fire halls and libraries;
WHEREAS local jurisdictions have a limited scope of revenues and continue to fund the provision of essential services largely through their tax base unless they have a private agreement with a local branch of the Urban Development Institute and/or individual developers;
WHEREAS the Government of Alberta and local municipalities both benefit from orderly and well planned growth coordinated with capital costs of public services resourced through a fair and equitable funding program mechanism that assigns a defined portion of these costs to the development industry; and
WHEREAS both the Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties and the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association have previously passed resolutions calling upon the provincial government to amend Section 648 of the Municipal Government Act beyond the current provisions for assessment and payment of levies for supplying water, sanitary sewage, storm sewage, and roads (i.e. Resolution 7-07F, and 2008.C.ii.3, respectively).
Nov 23/11 – Municipal Affairs
Municipal Affairs is considering a review of the Municipal Government Act (MGA) and will continue to seek input on specific MGA amendment proposals from the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association, the Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties, and other stakeholders.
AUMA rejects this response.