Bring your municipality’s story to Summer MLC 

Summer Municipal Leaders' Caucus (MLC) is a prime opportunity to provide input on ABmunis' approach to priority topics.

To get the most out of our Summer MLC sessions, we ask municipalities to come prepared to one of the five locations ready to share information on water conservation targets, changes to local elections and governance, and infrastructure.

Water conservation targets

Alberta Municipalities recognizes that we have been talking a great deal about water over the past several months in preparation for a potential drought. This session shifts the focus of the conversation to taking a broader look at water demand and infrastructure water loss to renew ABmunis’ water use reduction targets.  Specifically, we are asking participants to share their answers to the following questions:

  • What is your current residential water usage in litres per person per day (L/c/d)?
  • What do you know about leakage in your distribution system? How have you measured this?
  • What programs/incentives/tools do you use currently to encourage water conservation?

Don’t have that data available? ABmunis wants to know what barriers you face to collecting data, so we can explore solutions to overcome them.

Changes to local elections and governance

ABmunis has been vocal in raising concerns about the potential negative consequences of Bill 20. To better quantify the potential impacts of the changes introduced by the bill, and to help determine our further response, we would like to hear from you about:

  • Costs involved in preparing and regularly maintaining a permanent electors list.
  • Costs involved in switching from electronic vote tabulators to manual counting where applicable.
  • Costs involved by mandating a virtual option for public meetings
  • Consequences that could result from other changes ( e.g., enabling councillors to recuse themselves from voting due to real and perceived conflicts of interest, and limiting public hearings).

We recognize that you may need more time to determine costs and consequences. Regardless, we hope you will join this important conversation on how we move forward to protect fair elections and good governance


Summer MLC will also feature a mini-session with an update on our infrastructure funding advocacy and research. To support our work on your behalf we are asking municipalities to bring one or two examples of infrastructure projects that are being deferred due to funding challenges.

Register today to join us in Falher, Bonnyville, St. Albert, Stirling or Innisfail to shape the work that ABmunis does on your behalf.