Grants engagement project underway

Alberta Municipalities, in collaboration with an external consultant, has launched an initiative to enhance the effectiveness and equity of Government of Alberta municipal grant programs.

The initiative will develop recommendations on streamlining grant processes, ensuring alignment with local priorities, and seeing that grant distribution is fair, allowing every municipality to adequately serve their residents.

Stakeholders who are involved in grant administration are invited to complete our comprehensive Municipal Grant Survey, which runs until September 6, 2024. Focus group sessions throughout July and August will further refine strategies to optimize grant processes. Municipalities are encouraged to participate actively to shape the future of municipal grant funding in Alberta.



Earlier this month ABmunis launched a Municipal Grants Survey. Many municipalities let us know that the survey is challenging to complete. We are working with our external consultant to revamp the survey and we plan to relaunch a more user-friendly survey on July 24.  If you have already completed the survey – thank you! Completed surveys will be saved and included in our analysis. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience.