Have your say: Land & Property Rights Tribunal Review

The Land and Property Rights Tribunal (LPRT) ensures a fair and impartial appeal process for property assessments, surface rights, compensation, land use planning and other matters that affect land ownership and municipalities. It was created in 2018, following the consolidation of the Municipal Government Board, Land Compensation Board, Surface Rights Board, and New Home Buyer Protection Board.

Earlier this month, the Government of Alberta announced a review of LPRT business processes led by Meyers Norris Penny (MNP). As part of this review, MNP will gather feedback through focus groups, interviews and written submissions. Albertans and interested parties are invited to provide feedback through a public online survey until April 4.

A series of more focused group sessions will be held later this year, once the survey closes and the results of MNP's stakeholder engagement have been analyzed. Alberta Municipalities will share further details as they become available in future issues of The Weekly.