Update: ABmunis' Municipal Governance Committee

The first meeting of the new term for our Municipal Governance Committee took place last week. The 10-member committee:

  • Passed a recommendation to ABmunis’ Board of Directors on how our resolutions process can be improved.
  • Received a presentation from Dr. Jared Wesley from the University of Alberta on the creation of the Common Ground Toolkit.
  • Provided input on what information municipal candidates should know before submitting their nomination papers.
  • Reviewed the topics for our upcoming President’s Summit on Civility on March 5, 2025.
  • Discussed EOEP’s plan to offer Munis 101 courses to help new councils meet the legislated orientation requirements.
  • Created a preliminary plan for the committee’s review of the rules to recall a municipal elected official.
  • Discussed the new regulations related to campaign expense limits and the rules for municipal political parties.
  • Reviewed ABmunis’ new research on municipal finances.