UPDATE: Jasper's ongoing recovery

As Jasper continues to recover from the wildfire that destroyed nearly one-third of the townsite's structures in July 2024, we want to provide an update on some of the initiatives that are underway to assist in the municipality’s recovery. 

We applaud Alberta Municipal Affairs for quickly addressing regulatory hurdles presented in the Local Authorities Election Act. The ministry has confirmed that previously eligible individuals from Jasper are allowed to run for office and vote in the 2025 municipal election, even if they currently reside outside the municipal boundaries. We echo Municipal Affairs Minister Ric McIver’s comments on the importance of strong participation to local democracy.

Alberta Municipal Affairs is working with Parks Canada and municipal organizations to temporarily source development officers to assist Jasper with the permitting process for the reconstruction of buildings that were destroyed in the wildfire. We hope to share more information on this initiative in the coming weeks.

Last week, Alberta Municipal Affairs announced an additional $8 million in funding to provide property tax relief for residents and businesses, develop regional transit services, and help cover lost municipal revenues.  Mayor Richard Ireland expressed his appreciation for this additional funding, thanking the provincial government for its recognition of the unique challenges Jasper faces and its continued investment in the municipality’s future.

Alberta Municipalities’ members passed a resolution (Resolution B15) at our 2024 Convention that calls on the provincial government to establish a Wildfire Prevention Committee consisting of industry, municipal and provincial subject matter experts, elected officials, and senior municipal administrators. We have yet to hear from the provincial government on this resolution but we remain hopeful that it will lead to better municipal-provincial communication and collaboration on wildfires.

In the meantime, ABmunis appreciates the opportunity to participate in RMA’s Wildfire Working Group which will release recommendations later this winter on how to prevent and better respond to wildfires.

Recovery from catastrophic events like the Jasper wildfire require collaboration from all orders of government and sectors of society. We thank everyone who has contributed to Jasper’s recovery thus far. A lot has already been accomplished, but we know that much more needs to be done.