Water Grant Programs – Annual Intake Deadline Extended
Alberta Transportation has extended the intake deadline for the Alberta Municipal Water/Wastewater Partnership (AMWWP) and the Water for Life (W4L) grant programs to February 28, 2022.
The two programs provide essential funding for many municipalities, allowing them to maintain municipal water and wastewater services. The original deadline was November 30, 2021.
The deadline was extended by three months to accommodate potential recommendations from the Alberta Municipalities Wastewater Innovation Task Force. The task force, created by Alberta Municipalities in partnership with MAGNA Engineering, aims to streamline a pathway for municipalities exploring innovative technologies and reduce red tape in the approval process.
We thank the provincial government for its support and commitment to work with Alberta Municipalities on the Wastewater Innovation Task Force. We also thank Alberta’s Minister of Transportation for listening to municipalities’ concerns.
Many local governments have encountered regulatory barriers in water and wastewater, according to a red tape reduction survey done in 2019. We have long advocated a water and wastewater grant system that accommodates and encourages innovative technologies. Member resolutions further highlight that local governments want to see long-term and predictable funding for water and wastewater infrastructure and a flexible grant program to meet the different needs of communities.
The task force plans to release a whitepaper in early 2022.