Ft Macleod

Claims Support

Claims Support

Reporting your claim

  • If a reported incident will likely result in a claim, report your claim as soon as possible.
  • If you receive a Statement of Claim from an injured party, submit it immediately, there is a very limited period in which to respond to the statement of claim.
  • If applicable, we will provide a proof of loss form for you to complete.
  • Maintain documentation of all monetary costs related to the claim (repair work, hospital bills, lost income, etc).

Claims best practices

It is recommended that your organization has a policy to ensure all reported claims are dealt with, and should at least include:

  • A procedure for reporting complaints.
  • A description of how complaints will be dealt with, including:
    • corrective actions to be taken for specific problems (can refer to other policies)
    • how complaints will be prioritized, taking into consideration other routine maintenance and inspections
    • never ignore a complaint
  • A procedure for documenting complaints and corrective measures (including the reason for not taking action, if that is the case).
  • How your organization will take action to correct or take all other reasonable steps to prevent a loss as a result of the reported problem.

To learn more contact claims [at] abmunis.ca (our claims team) today.

Select which claim you would you like to fill out and after completing the form, save and email it to claims [at] abmunis.ca (claims[at]abmunis[dot]ca) or fax it to 1.866.571.6042.

Our after hours claims emergency number is 1.866.939.2862, should you require immediate assistance.