Alberta Water Council surveys: protecting sources of drinking water in Alberta

The Alberta Water Council (AWC) is currently undertaking a project looking at documenting existing Source Water Protection (SWP) approaches and providing guidance for protecting public, private, and individual drinking water sources in Alberta.

AWC is seeking input on source water protection practices, processes, and risks to drinking water sources in Alberta through two surveys: one aimed at public and private sector, and one aimed at individuals.

1. Public and Private Survey – this survey targets organizations and/or individuals involved in, or supporting initiatives to develop, implement, and evaluate source water protection approaches (e.g. plan, program, policy, legislation, tool) that focus on protecting drinking water sources in public and private systems.
2. Individual Survey – this survey targets individuals who rely on a private source of drinking water (e.g. well, dug-out, other) on their property.

By participating in this survey, you would be helping the team identify:

  • existing SWP approaches in Alberta
  • drinking water risks and management processes
  • successes, barriers, and lessons learned
  • best management practices

The surveys can be completed online via the links provided above, and are open until September 14, 2018. The results from the surveys will inform development of a guidance document on protecting drinking water sources. The guidance document will be used by the Government of Alberta and other partners to enhance source water protection efforts in the province.

For more information about this project, or contact info [at]