AUMA proud recipient of Building Energy Benchmarking Awards
On March 22, 2018, AUMA’s own Alberta Municipal Place received a Building Energy Benchmarking Excellence Award from the City of Edmonton in the Performance Awards category, which recognizes companies and their buildings that have achieved excellence in energy performance.
Alberta Municipal Place was one of the three commercial buildings that received an award for achieving an EnergyStar score of 97 due mainly in part to AUMA’s investment into energy efficient features (re-insulation, new lighting, new HVAC, solar PV, a wind turbine and co-gen) as well as continued efficient operations by Humford Management. Alberta Municipal Place currently performs 43% better than the national median performance level for office buildings.
AUMA is also proud to congratulate two of our own: Laura De Carolis from the Municipal Climate Change Action Centre, and Alvin Law from the Alberta Municipal Services Corporation, who received Program Advisor Awards for their work in helping build this municipal energy benchmarking program. The Program Advisor Awards recognizes organizations that contribute to the program’s development as active members of Edmonton’s Building Energy Benchmarking Industry Advisory Group.
About the Building Energy Benchmarking Program: Edmonton is the first Canadian municipality to host a voluntary building energy benchmarking program that publically discloses energy performance. The goal is to encourage a market transformation by properly valuing the benefit of energy efficient buildings. Started in June 2017, the first year of this municipal program yielded 83 participating buildings from 22 organizations covering 21 million square feet. Review the complete list of winners.