Opportunity to participate on the National Advisory Council on Poverty

Do you have knowledge and experience of poverty-related issues? Consider applying to be part of the Government of Canada’s National Advisory Council on Poverty.   

The Advisory Council will be representative of Canada’s linguistic, gender and regional diversity with a mandate to:

  • provide advice in relation to programs, funding and activities that contribute to poverty reduction;
  • produce an annual report that will provide detailed information on the progress being made towards meeting the poverty reduction targets and other indicators being tracked under the Strategy, as well as advise on poverty reduction;
  • undertake public engagement with various groups, including the academic community and other experts, Indigenous peoples and persons with lived experience of poverty; and
  • undertake other related duties. 

The call for applications includes four different streams (applicants can apply to more than one stream):

  • Stream 1: Chairperson
  • Stream 2: Member with particular responsibility for children’s issues
  • Stream 3: General members
  • Stream 4: Members with lived experience of poverty

Interested individuals must apply online by January 29, 2019. For more information on the call for applications, visit the National Advisory Council on Poverty website