Provincial Priorities Act takes effect April 1, 2025
Alberta's cabinet passed regulations to implement Bill 18, the Provincial Priorities Act, last week and proclaimed the legislation effective April 1, 2025.
Under the regulations, municipalities and municipal entities must submit information on all new agreements with the federal government, including amended or and renewed agreements, to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval. Certain agreements will be exempt from approval, including agreements valued under $100,000. Exempt agreements must still be submitted to the minister for the exemption to apply. Agreements worth more than $5 million will require cabinet approval.
Details on the process for submitting the required information will be shared later this month, prior to the legislation taking effect.
Last spring, ABmunis expressed concern about this legislation to the provincial government. President Gandam and members of ABmunis' Executive Committee met with Premier Smith and Municipal Affairs Minister McIver to share our view of what the Government of Alberta should consider when developing the regulations. They suggested that the provincial government:
- Set a high threshold for federal agreements that would be subject to provincial review and approval.
- Build the administrative machinery necessary to review agreements and funding opportunities that come forward on an expedited basis.
- Set clear parameters, guidelines, and definitions as to what Alberta’s provincial priorities are.
- Make active efforts to encourage municipal, post-secondary and other public agencies to continue to pursue funding opportunities.
- Embrace the fact that Albertans will expect their provincial government to provide matching funds for federal grants and programs which align to Alberta’s provincial priorities.
- Develop and maintain productive relations with the federal government.
Alberta Municipalities looks forward to learning additional details about the practical application of this legislation in the weeks ahead.