Resources for Occupational Health & Safety Act Updates

In anticipation of the recent Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) legislative changes that came into effect on June 1, 2018, the Alberta Municipal Health and Safety Association (AMHSA) led an effort to solicit feedback on questions raised by Alberta municipalities.

Acting as a single point of contact with the province, AMHSA presented the compiled questions from municipalities to a technical advisor from the Alberta Labour, and shared the answers in the OHS Act Questions and Answers document, available on their website.

Another resource has been developed with the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS), specific to Alberta health and safety committees and duties: the Health & Safety Committees and Representatives course. This is a free two-hour online training course that covers what requirements for Health & Safety Committee representatives, and offers a certificate upon successful completion.

Further information on the Occupational Health & Safety updates and resources for specific changes can be found on the Government of Alberta website.