Statistics on cannabis in Canada available online

As recreational cannabis legalization approaches, data on cannabis production, distribution and consumption were made available by Statistics Canada on the Cannabis Stats Hub. Launched on January 25, 2018, the platform presents information on cannabis industry in the country since 1961.

One of the data sources, the Cannabis Economic Accounts, is a set of provisional estimates that will be updated as the agency develops new data sources and improves its methods.

The information is presented by topics such as health, justice and economy for both medicinal and recreational cannabis. Interactive graphs and tables allow the user to filter data according to their interests and to construct their own estimates changing the assumptions. The tool was created in order to measure the social and economic implications of the legalization of cannabis in Canada and can be accessed on the Statistics Canada website.

For more information on AUMA’s advocacy including tools and resources for legalization, visit the AUMA Cannabis Legalization hub on the AUMA website.