Transit funding for small & medium-sized communities

For several years, our members have directed ABmunis to advocate for more funding for transit services, and for that funding to be available to small and medium-sized communities.

The Government of Canada formally announced the Canada Public Transit Fund (CPTF) in 2024. The fund provides $3 billion annually to invest in transit services across Canada. The Capital Projects Stream of the Rural Transit Solutions Fund (one of the branches of the CPTF) is open to municipalities, municipally controlled corporations, not-for-profits and Indigenous organizations and will award up to $10 million for capital purchases.

To be considered a rural community, the transit system must serve a population under 50,000 or a population of between 50,0000 and 150,000 if a rural population will be served by the project. Further to these criteria, entities must have two or more years’ experience operating a transit service, or a recently completed transit plan or feasibility study to be eligible. Entities that do not meet these criteria can still apply for up to $250,000 to offset costs for completing a transit plan or feasibility study and then apply for additional funding in subsequent years.

The federal government hopes to receive funding applications for regional transit solutions, so several neighbouring communities can work together on a single application. Active transit infrastructure like walking paths and connectors, and micro-mobility costs are eligible if they are part of the transit system.

Applications are being accepted until March 4, 2025, for projects to be started in 2026.

For more information and to register as  an applicant, visit the program website. Contact ABmunis’ Advocacy team by advocacy [at] (email) if you have any questions.